Capacity-based Service and Product Bundle Differentiation in a Supply Chain
Wenge Zhu Product Line Strategy under Complementary Effects Xiaohui Xu, Fang Fang Enhancing the Inventory Control Effectiveness of a Pharmaceutical Distributor in Egypt: A Case Study Abdel-Aziz M. Mohamed, Ahmed S. Ahmed Simulating a More Efficient Bike Sharing System Robert Saltzman, Richard Bradford Designing Safe Job Rotation Schedules with Minimum Productivity Loss Sun Olapiriyakul, Pavinee Rerkjirattikarn, Santipap Satitanekchai An Integration of Fuzzy-Analytic Hierarchy Process and Quality Function Deployment in Lean Concept Selection: A Case Study Ahmad Sarfaraz, Hamid Pourmohammadi, Joana Perez |
December 2024
Editorial BoardCo-Editor-in-Chiefs: Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Management (JSCOM) (ISSN: 2167-7115) is a double blind peer reviewed scholarly journal established in 2003 and listed in the Cabell's Directory of Refereed Publications. The main purpose of JSCOM is to provide a place for sharing original applied and theoretical research in supply chain and operations management (broadly defined). The Journal has evolved as an innovative publication for scholars and practitioners to exchange their ideas and results in integrated and interdisciplinary research, teaching, and practice of supply chain and operations management with both empirical and analytical approaches. In addition to papers that are focused on sourcing, operations, logistics, and integrated supply chains, we also welcome submissions of papers that work on supply chain interfaces with marketing, accounting, finance, human capital management, information systems, business analytics, industrial & systems engineering, technology management, new product development, strategic planning, leadership, international trade, and global management.